Embracing being sent
“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”
Matthew 24:14 New International Version
This verse is one that I am due to refer to in a talk later this month, when our church has a missions’ service. Reflecting on it stirs fresh gratitude for my parents and others who shared about Christ with me but also the call for me to seek to do so with others. As a child, I always thought this usually meant going to far off countries to do so. Of course, some are called to leave their home country – probably most people reading this have done so. For Helen and I it meant coming as a family to the Netherlands back in 2006 – admittedly not that far off from the UK in terms of distance!
There is also the reality of the ‘whole world’ coming to whatever nation we are living in – even if it is our home nation. International Church congregations have a wonderful opportunity for reaching out to this rich variety of people. For instance, students here in Leiden come to mind who are from nations where the Gospel is outlawed publicly or Christians are actively persecuted. What an opening for them to experience the love of Christ whilst abroad studying.
For those in our church communities who already know Christ, I am sure we hope that they continue to grow in their following of Him. Just as we are called to do so. I believe that following includes a sense of knowing that they are ‘sent’ by the Lord. Whether that is within their jobs, studies, community involvement, neighbourhood or in moving on to a new country in the coming years. Diane McGehee has written a great doctorate paper in connection with this: ‘Cultivating the Global Missional Potential of International Churches’. It formed the basis of our most recent discussions in a Europe online Ignition gathering – how can we cultivate a greater sense of being ‘sent’ among our congregations? I commend the paper to you for reading. You can contact Diane to find out more via diane@micn.org
Part of our role is to help members of our congregations to be reaching out with the love of Christ. Yet what of us personally? I think here of one of the questions Bill Koogler posed in his article in the previous INCENDIUM –
“What can we do today, this week, this month?”
Let’s not just call others to walk out being ‘sent’; how can we, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and help, also live this out?
(Though I ask this with the proviso that I don’t think we are meant to be always ‘do, do, do’ and miss the care of our own souls as we serve Christ)
Since writing a previous article for INCENDIUM, I have stepped down from being the regional co-ordinator in Europe. It was a privilege to serve in the role alongside Werner, Martin and John. Thank you to David and the MICN leadership team for having trusted me to be part of that team and for all their encouragement to me in it. Though I am no longer in the role, I remain involved in helping to organise monthly online MICN Europe prayer and quarterly online Ignition gatherings. Grateful for these times of connection, and to be part of the planning for the upcoming Europe/Africa/ME ReCharge next month. Thank you to David Fortune, Nico Hoogenraad and the team at Crossroads International Church Basel for hosting.
Speaking of ReCharge events – by the time you read this, the Americas one will have happened. I am so glad that the Asia one went well and at the time of writing these words, I am praying for the Europe/Africa/ME gathering.
I am grateful for the role that MICN has in strengthening and starting ICs and partnering with others to do so. Let’s keep praying for the leadership team as well as for one another. I finish by asking who in the IC ministry world, could you reach out to this coming week, in order to be an encouragement to them?
Much grace,
Andy Vince
International Church of Leiden
The Netherlands
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