Guidance for IC Search Commitees
Over the past twenty years I have assisted numerous international churches when they were looking for a new Senior Pastor. Professionally I am an executive recruiter primarily serving North American evangelical organizations but having met my wife in an international church in Sao Paulo when I was an expat and she was with Wycliffe I understand what makes international churches so special. My assistance is pro bono…just glad to be helping the Lord’s work.
What Are You Looking For
The elders have the responsibility for where their church goes. So don’t hesitate to look beyond where your church is today and see the potential of where it could be in five or ten years with the right leader. And trust the Lord to bring you that leader. If the applicants are few don’t settle for less than you think you need. But do the search process well to find just that person.
Creating an Effective Opportunity Profile
This is to be a marketing tool…it should be attractive (have good pictures)…very informative…and answer most of the questions the next pastor and his wife would want. See examples of such Opportunity Profiles at https://dingman.com/international-churches/.
Want Your Church to Grow?
Want grow your congregation so you can afford to fully pay your pastor or to be able to add more paid staff? I have several suggestions on how to make your church grow if you want them.
Getting the Word Out About Your Opportunity
There are numerous ways to get the word out. Job boards like found on MICN, seminaries and ChurchStaffing.com are excellent. Beyond that if you just create an effective Opportunity Profile then I would be glad to eBlast it to a list of 300 missions orgs and key people I know who might refer it on or actually be an applicant themselves. Ask me for my list of job boards to save yourself some time, too.
Getting a Thorough Resume
Just as the Search Committee might not have that much experience in doing this search most effectively likewise applicants often don’t realize what content their resume should communicate or what is a good format. We have a good resume guide if you want it…just ask.
Using a Questionnaire
A resume and even a Zoom interview won’t give you all the information you need, so create a questionnaire for applicants’ response. Ask them to limit their response to less than ten pages. You can also ask more questions later. Typical questions might include:
-Tell us about you and your wife’s faith walk?
-Having numerous denominational backgrounds and ethnicities among our body tell us how you would fit with that.
-Why do you think the Lord might be leading you to our church and our city?
-What experience have you had in a cross-cultural situation?
-Describe given your family situation the pros and cons and living here?
-What are your primary concerns about taking this role?
Doing a Zoom Interview with the Applicant and Spouse
After getting a thorough resume and questionnaire response have a Zoom interview by your committee with the applicant and spouse. You ask questions for an hour and then let them ask questions for a half hour. This is just an early part of the process but important to have so you know if you want to keep moving forward.
Free Counsel if You Want
Assisting churches like yours is my personal ministry so assuming I have time I want to help as needed. Want me to review a few resumes? Want some guidance about the search and selection process? Just let me know.
Yours in Christ,
Bruce Dingman
Thousand Oaks, California
Incredible info of keeping to the mission.
Yes, I’m looking for the Elders/partners who can come to assist us to build and grow our church since the elders have the responsibility for where their church goes.
But as you have stated that you primarily serve North American evangelical organizations, are you able to serve us?